Choices Flooring are ahead of the game when it comes to keeping up with the latest technology and the constant evolution of digital platforms and media options. As they stepped up their game, going live with their new website, they wanted to push the boundaries of online advertising.
We know we can accurately track people clicking on an advertisement and visiting a website, but how do we track people clicking on the same ad and visiting a Choices store? For their upcoming branding campaign, that was our challenge.
The solution was in-app advertising using mobile geo-location targeting to find out who was entering a Choices Flooring or competitor's store nationally. We then served mobile advertising to these consumers who we know are in-market. Through this specific geo-location targeting, we were then able to report on footfall seen in stores after the ads were served.
Through this campaign we saw an average click through rate of 1.75% and of these people 10% then visited a Choices Flooring store.
Choices Flooring has experienced rapid growth as a company now with more than 140 stores across Australia. Our challenge was to increase instore traffic within the Sydney market through a specific and cost effective media strategy. Across the digital platform nationally, we have driven traffic through the Choices Flooring website, helping build awareness of popular and innovative flooring ranges, and in turn increasing footfall in retail stores.